About The Black Canyon Rotary Club
What We Do
Black Canyon Rotary holds monthly formalized Leadership Development workshops during our regular meeting 
Our club sponsors and supports future leaders in youth programs such as Rotary International's Youth Exchange and RYLA
We hold networking opportunities, that focus on relationship building and having a community voice
Each week, we start our meetings with 'Happy Bucks', which in turn, supports service projects
Our members volunteer at local events and charities such as the Financial Reality Fair at Montrose High School. 
The Black Canyon Rotary Club is a proud supporter of fundraising efforts for the planned Rotary Amphitheater in Montrose, CO
Join us at our next meeting on Thursday!
Black Canyon Rotary Club

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 8:00 AM
The Centennial Room
434 S 1st St
Montrose, CO 81401
United States of America
Coffee and breakfast items are available at San Juan Brews- just mention Rotary and they will add you to the tab! ☕ Please plan ahead if you are getting coffee so you aren't late for the meeting!